About Me

Hello. I’m Sophia and this is a safe space… it’s my small space, sis.

Blogging to the world is new for me, but I’m excited to share my ideas with you.

I’ve always loved writing and had a big imagination as a kid. My best friend always told me I should start a blog to share my ideas with the world. I’ll be honest. At first, I was too intimidated by the mountain of pressure that the internet can become. People can be so judgmental and downright mean behind their screens. Years went by and I still only shared my ideas with family, coworkers, and close friends.

But it seems no matter what you do, people will judge you anyways, so I realized that I might as well do what makes me happy.

A few years after graduating college and starting my full time career, I took a leap of faith. I launched my blog in 2023.

So far, it’s been A LOT of learning and experimenting with designs, posts, SEO, and so much more. But, it’s been a lot of fun because I get to do what I’m most passionate about…I get to write.

As a first generation child of immigrants, my parents always pushed me to go into a stable career so that I wouldn’t have to struggle like they did. Really, they meant doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Following a passion that didn’t involve any of these three options didn’t garner a lot of support.

There was always this idea in the back of my mind to stay out of the lime light and grind in silence. I honestly believed that success should be reached silently.

There was also this fear or shame, or whatever you wanna call it, of exposing the good, bad, and ugly side of my Caribbean upbringing. But when I grew older, I always said to myself that I would break generational curses. My parents may have lived by a certain code to survive in this country, but I want to do more than survive this life. I want to truly live it.

That means bringing truths and feelings to light, no matter who may or may not like it.

Opening up requires a lot of vulnerability and courage. And it’s something I’m learning every day.

I hope you’ll take this journey with me to opening up, sharing ideas, and just living my best life in my late twenties. No hate, just a girl sharing tips, tricks, and hacks to navigating a happy life, creating a small but safe space for all my sisters to enjoy!